It’s a Mom Thing! #momlife
It’s a Mom Thing! #momlife I am a mother of three kids, Ingrid 10 years old, Sawyer 3 years old, and Crew 16 months old, and I am tired. Even when I...
Susan Wainscott, Founder and CEO, starts a series on teacher retention at Swimtastic Swim School
It’s a Mom Thing! #momlife I am a mother of three kids, Ingrid 10 years old, Sawyer 3 years old, and Crew 16 months old, and I am tired. Even when I...
Summer is almost here! Vacations are on the horizon and summer activities are just around the bend. Growing up, we loved our water balloon fights,...
1 min read
What My Students Have Taught Me I grew up through Swimtastic Swim School. As a kid, I went there for swimming lessons. That’s right. I used to be the...
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