Aquatic Crafts Spring Round-Up
This week's blog post is provided by Noelle from our Franklin, WI Swimtastic Swim School. Follow Swimtastic Swim School of Franklin on Facebook for...
Winter is over, and spring has made its way into our lives (finally!). Now that birds are chirping and flowers are blooming, it's time to get outside with your child and show them everything this season offers. To make it even more fun, share these spring season facts with them!
Your kiddo will love learning these spring facts for kids! Encourage them to share these facts about spring with their friends and family or do their own research to find more.
After reading these facts about spring with your child, head outside with them for hands-on learning and activities. Embark on a spring scavenger hunt searching for pink blooms, birds' nests, and other fascinating things that springtime brings. Collect flower petals and bring them home to make collages. Or, have a photoshoot in the park showcasing all the beautiful new flowers in the background. Then, use a computer or the library to research what flowers you found.
This week's blog post is provided by Noelle from our Franklin, WI Swimtastic Swim School. Follow Swimtastic Swim School of Franklin on Facebook for...
Every child is unique. They all have different personalities and different needs. Such stark differences often occur between siblings. One kid talks...
1. Imagination is one of the greatest things in life. Keep it alive.
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