Tuesday, November 26, 2024 by Kayla

Aquatic Crafts Spring Round-Up

This week's blog post is provided by Noelle from our Franklin, WI Swimtastic Swim School. Follow Swimtastic Swim School of Franklin on Facebook for more great ideas!

"Spring is the time of plans and projects."

-Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina

Wisconsin winters are known for being harsh and unpredictable, so when spring rolls around I think it’s safe to say we all feel entitled to a little sunshine and normal temperatures. Of course, what we want and what we get are two different things. Wisconsin weather is hardly “normal”, and I think this picture says it best:

Weather Meme

However, regardless of what Mother Nature throws at us, Wisconsinites roll with the punches and make the best of what it gives us. That means when that little patch of sunshine does decide to show itself, community members will most definitely take advantage of it and go for a stroll through their neighborhood or play outside with the kids; anything, really, to get some fresh air and enjoy their good fortune while it lasts.

And naturally, as we get out of March and move towards April and May, the weather thankfully becomes a little more consistent. Family outings can be easily planned without having to worry about random snow showers. Kids are able to play freely in the backyard without having to bundle up. Everyone is in higher spirits because, hey, they don’t have to worry about shoveling or chipping ice off their car windows, and the sky is bright rather than cloudy and downcast. People can finally get out of the house, signalling that spring is truly here.

But circling back to our crazy Wisconsin weather, while spring is absolutely a time to get the kids outside and exploring, we are going to have those inevitable rainy days. And though there’s nothing wrong with a little TV or movie time while the kids are indoors, it’s also good to mix it up sometimes and and get crafty.

Here at Swimtastic we love anything involving water; especially during spring, we have a lot of families enrolling their children in preparation for summer vacations, trips to the beach, water parks, pool parties and other water-based activities.

Students are always excited to show parents what they’ve learned during their lessons, often turning around to give a little wave to their proud parent. We love seeing this kind of enthusiasm, and as such, we are happy when parents continue that love for water and swimming back at home.

That’s why we’ve rounded up six fun aquatic themed crafts from our Aquatic Crafts board on Pinterest to try out with your kids on a rainy spring day (or any day, really - they’re that fun!)! Check out the list below!

1. DIY Ocean Toy Soap from A Pumpkin and a Princess

Ocean Soap

2. Cupcake Liner Fish from I Heart Crafty Things

Cupcake Liner Fish

3. Mason Jar Aquarium from Hello, Wonderful

Mason Jar Aquarium

4. Soapy Sea Foam Sensory Play from Twodaloo

Soapy Sea Foam

5. CD Rainbow Fish Craft from Happy Healthy Thrifty Family

Rainbow Fish

6. Mermaid Necklaces from Mama. Papa. Bubba

Mermaid Necklaces

Share your creations with us!

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Be sure to follow us on Pinterest for more fun craft ideas!

Have fun! :)